Tuesday 11 December 2007

An old dog learns new tricks ... and an old dog

The last few days I have been learning a few new tricks and all about chicklets and widgets, rss and Google reader.

I discovered I do have feed burner readers (thank you to 32 people - I am honoured). I subscribed to a whole of blogs but I didn't know how to access them easily. I do now.Before it was hit and miss. I am sorry to the people I have neglected.I also re-directed my blogger rss to feed burner... at least that is what i think I did. I saw a jump in my readers on the stats yesterday too. I have along way to go to crossing the 10,000 reader milestone.

So now I am off on a mission to add more blogs to my Google reader.I have so much to learn. I am seriously thinking about changing to Wordpress ... well next year.

I have been so busy of late NaBloPoMo... and I feel my precious little guys need me more than I need to fiddle with my blog stuff. They have been into everything and while I secretly say horrid little things about them (to myself) - when they rip yet another lift the flap book or mildly important papers, steal my phone,keys, camera or wallet, bite me while nursing,climb and stand on the furniture, escape the $160 playpen, remove their nappies, throw clean washing all over the house, explore the toilet,refuse to eat & throw food at each other and on the floor, unpack the bag I just packed to go out and generally trash the house and that's just today - I still think I will keep them.

I might just keep him too ... though at the moment we clash terribly... *sigh*I am a mean mum and he is now 14 going on 40 who thinks he has all the answers. The babies adore him.

I digress , yes, we do have an old dog - Patch is now 11 yrs old. We gave him to our son D on Christmas day 11 yrs ago - D was 3yrs old and Patch was barely 5-6 wks old, with a belly full of worms (eeewww) . He was a wee scrap of a thing - 'heinz' Blue cattle/heeler dog mix. We played out the Rod Campbell story " Dear Zoo".
A boy writes to the zoo for a new pet ... and they send him a variety of animals - I wrapped small toys/plastic animals and lastly they sent him ... in basket can you guess ? and we presented the dog to him in a picnic basket.

Playing -fetch the ball is his favourite past-time but he gets puffed quicker now. I will have to find a photo tomorrow of him now. S & J love to throw the ball too ... but they only get it a metre of so.Poor Patch he gets so excited for nothing. D wanted to call him Pat (after Postman Pat... but unfortunately(yes it's true) my MIL lived in a little house/flat attached to our house and her name was *P a t xxxxx ... (almost the same as mine). LOL we knew she wouldn't appreciate it. Here 'Pat' ... yelled out !

By the way, Patch still loves her (and remembers her car - we know she is driving up the drive by the way he gets so excited in anticipation) even after 7 yrs since she/we moved.
She was his best ball thrower ever.
*The same name thing now that is a blog for another day.
Heads & Tails follows ...


Barb said...

What a great story!

Head Gaggler said...

I love that picture. Thanks for sharing the story.

smarmoofus said...

I love the "Dear Zoo" gifting of the puppy! That is such a cute idea! *makes a note of that for when she has kids*

Anonymous said...

D looks so cute in this photo! Of course the puppy does too.

YOu'll have to teach me all your tech stuff too!

Gattina said...

The joy of a family, lol ! and 14 years old are awful ! I don't want to discourage you but it may last until 18/19 then it gets better ! Today my son is 34 and we laugh about all the miseries he did to me !
The compiled news I do every tuesday so if you want to keep yourself informed of what is going on in the world you are welcome !

Kellan said...

Your babies are adorable - I have twin 15 year old girls and I love them to death. I also have a 10 year old boy and a 6 year old girl. We could almost be twins, you and I, with our four kids each!

I am clueless about all the widget, burner reader ... stuff - I know I need to learn all of it, but my mind can't hold all of that right now. I, only today, just had my blog updated by Splat - cuz I had no idea how to do any of that stuff myself. I am going to come back here soon and learn a little more from you. Thanks for the info. See you soon. Kellan

Momisodes said...

What a lovely story and photos :)

This is my first time here and I'm enjoying your blog! I hope to follow more readers too...

Tamara said...

What a great story :)

Its hard getting to know everything that there is to know I am still learning everytime I think I know alot I get stumped again. :) Your doing agreat job

frog ponds rock... said...

hehehehe your son and my son .. lol wanna swap????

cheers kim...

katef said...

wow you have been busy learning..I need to learn how to find out how many subscribers I have, that would be cool!
And I giggled when reading about your 'destructo twins' ... we call ours the 'twinadoes' and even at four they still destroy a house in under 30 seconds if I am not watching carefully!

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